Blepharoplasty – Jacksonville Cosmetic Rejuvenation
A sleepy look or prematurely aged appearance can be attributed to the aging of the eyelids. As the eyelids are made of such thin skin, they are often the first to develop the signs of aging. With a blepharoplasty, you can refresh your overall appearance and achieve an alert look.
A blepharoplasty is also known as an eyelid lift. The procedure is an effective solution for treating dark circles, excessive skin around the eyelids and puffiness under the eyes.
Depending on the issue being treated, there are different techniques used for blepharoplasty surgery. For example, less severe cases of dark circles and puffiness can be treated with injections.
Speak with Dr. James Hardy to learn more information about blepharoplasty.
Contact us at our office in Jacksonville.