If you want to address loose sagging skin in your body and give it a more toned appearance, you should think about having a body lift performed. A body lift changes the shape and tone of the underlying tissue supporting our skin and fat. If you have a dimpled and irregular skin appearance that needs to be corrected, you could try out a body lift.

Having excess loose skin and weakened muscles can result from a host of reasons – genetic factors, weight fluctuations, sun damage, pregnancy, and much more. A body lift is commonly performed on the buttocks, abdominal area, and the area around the thighs to remove any loose skin and tighten that area of the body.

It is important to remember that a body lift cannot treat excessive fat. A liposuction needs to be performed in order to get rid of extra fat. A body lift simply contours your body into a more shapely and toned form by taking care of your sagging skin and muscle tissue.

Are You a Body Lift Candidate?

The best candidates for body lift surgery are individuals with excessive loose skin in multiple areas of their body. You should also be a non-smoker or be willing to give up smoking for a period of time in order to heal properly after the surgery. A body lift aims to return your former appearance before it was affected by the loss of skin elasticity.

A candidate considering a body lift should be in or around their ideal weight range and have realistic expectations about what the procedure can offer you. Your surgeon may or may not suggest you to have liposuction performed in conjunction with your body lift surgery. It depends on the amount of fatty deposits that you want to get rid of.

In order to maintain the results for as long as possible, you will need to maintain a healthy lifestyle where your weight does not fluctuate much. It’s also advised that women who are planning on having children at some point in the future wait to undergo the surgery. Significant fluctuations in weight can completely reverse the changes brought on by the body lift surgery.

How To Prepare For A Body-Lift Surgery?

The best thing you can do to prepare for a body lift surgery is to schedule a consultation with a surgeon you can trust. Your surgeon will provide you with instructions to follow before and after the surgery and will help you figure out what to expect during the entire process.

Some of the instructions may include staying away from certain medications, smoking, Nand drinking. After examining your body, he will determine if your are in good health and construct a surgical plan to help you get the body you desire. After going through a surgery like this one, you won’t be able to drive yourself home so it is important that you have someone available to help you get home and assist you as you heal.

Contact Our Office

A body lift us a great plastic surgery procedure that will help individuals struggling to get rid of sagging skin and fatty deposits get the body of their dreams. If you’re interested in learning more about the surgery, contact our office to schedule a consultation with skilled plastic surgeon Dr. James Hardy.